Getting The Most From A Free Monthly Writing Contest

By Minnie Whitley

A lot of writers have improved by basic motivation. However, on occasion you will find a free monthly writing contest, and this is also something to look out for because it will help you improve on a lot of aspects. The more you practice, the more you will succeed. A lot of people are rejected time and time again this happens to everyone, but you have to persevere.

If you do your research, you will find that there were many famous writers who were rejected, but they preserved and eventually they came through strong. Usually you will be able to find websites that are focused on writing and this is what they do to promote them. They have a community of writers, which is nice to join in.

Usually on online sites, you will find that there is a community of writers who encourage each other and give one another tips and advice. They will ask each other about various things relating to writing and where to go online for basic tutorials. One can also submit to each other and get positive criticism. Not everyone enjoys this, but it is worth it because you will go to the next level.

There are also usually a handful of pointers, depending on where you go and you can be guided in a certain direction by other members of the community. You may be looking for sentence structure or vocabulary. It may be a good thing to submit an article to someone and get some feedback. It is important to develop a thick skin at this stage.

A lot of people become despondent when the same person keeps on winning. However, you have to bear in mind, that the judges can't have sympathy for you because you are trying. They may leave feedback, but they have to judge articles based on the best structured. This often comes from someone who has the most experience.

You need to persevere with this and it is not always easy. A lot of people become disappointed because of rejections, but this happens to everyone, and it has even happened to famous people, so one has to try and stay motivated. By submitting articles to other writers who have been in the industry for a long time and receiving feedback, you will be on the right track.

You can find contests which are more specific and relate to a certain topic. This is great if this is your passion or something that you specialize in. They may not be a writing site that relates to creativity and journalism, but they could be something that revolves around psychology, for example. They may need your ideas, if this is your field.

You can find offline contests as well, which you will probably come across in magazines and in newspapers. These are quite nice because they are more specific. You may find something that relates to a certain area that you know a lot about. This may give you more of a chance of being able to win something. You can find food magazine or something to do with children, for example.

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