Composing Good Poems About Christ

By Amanda Baird

Composing good poems about Christ involves looking at the life of the Christ and his teachings. The poems should reflect on the parables which he taught as well as the gospels which he preached. For instance, the writer should be able to conceptualize the parable then to compose a poem with the teachings of the parable.

Jesus majorly taught using parables, there for one can decide to also write on the parables he taught. For instant, one may look at the parable of the prodigal son when writing about forgiveness as one of the teachings of Jesus. In this parable, Jesus gave a story of a man who had two sons.

The man had a lot of wealth and workers. The younger son demanded that his father to give him the share of his wealth so that he may use. The father proceeded and gave him share of the wealth. He spent it lavishly until all the wealth got finished.

Different parables may be used to compose different poems teaching on the same thing. For instance, the other parable on forgiveness is the parable of the two debtors. It is necessary to establish the background under which the parable was used in order to fully understand the reason and applicability.

The background to this parable may be summarized as follows. Jesus was invited to for a dinner together with his disciples. Then something strange happened as they were eating.

A sinful woman who was well known as a prostitute came in to the house and went direct to Christ. She cleaned his feet and then perfumed them with an expensive perfume. She then kissed the feet of Jesus. This was so strange to the disciples. Jesus then proceeded to tell the parable of the two debtors.

Jesus then posed a question to the disciple to tell the person who was more grateful among the two debtors. One of the disciples then answered that the debtor who had more debt. He then related the parable to the situation which was at hand. He told the disciples that since the woman had committed more sins; he was more grateful when he was forgiven.

The other powerful teaching of Jesus which can be used to write a good poem is the teaching on the sermon on the mountain. For instance, Jesus taught that those who are poor in spirit are blessed because the kingdom of heaven belongs to them. He also taught that those who morn will be comforted. He also taught that the meek will inherit the earth. The other group of people who Jesus said are blessed are those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy. All the teachings can be used a a poet to write good poems about Christ.

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