The Benefits Of Become A Nurse Author

By Marsha Klein

There are several types of nurse author and all are in significant demand currently. There are those that write fictional stories in novel format often with a health sector theme and also screenwriters who write television shows and movies set in hospitals which are very popular among audiences. However, the majority write nonfiction works offering advice and knowledge on health care issues.

If you are in the nursing profession and feel that you have something to offer the reading or watching public the benefits from your first hand knowledge and insight, then you should take the step and start writing. Many nurses feel it is their job only to care for others and that writing should be left to professional writers. This is an anomaly and a concept that should be reconsidered.

Indeed, most qualified nurses are more than qualified to make it as writers. They will have had apple preparation while they were at college studying for the nursing qualifications. During this time they will have been required to write complex dissertations and essays that necessitated research and logical presentation of material. This is the basic bedrock of all good writing.

Secondly, caring for people takes on many forms. Primary care that most nurses are involved in is of crucial importance and a service that the whole of mankind depends on. However, you can also care for people by providing them information. Many people research issues about their health and look to qualified writers to provide that information. Also, you would not be a qualified practitioner if you had not read the works of others in your training. You may also want to contribute to the training of other nurses.

There are so many subjects that ordinary lay people seek information about that nurses can provide. For example, the whole area of pregnancy and childbirth is constantly looking for new and updated contributions that you might be able to offer. Care of the elderly is another growth area in terms of demand for information and also personal healthcare.

Indeed, more and more people are taking charge of their own health needs and trying to reduce the amount of time they spend visiting doctor surgeries and hospitals. Areas such as alternative healthcare and medicine are huge growth areas and areas in which it is relatively easy for professional practitioners such as nurses to branch into.

The internet provides enormous scope for nursing professionals who want to enter into writing. Blogging is one such avenue that is worthy of exploration. Blogging is very good at reaching target audiences with the information you have to offer and it does not just have to be a labor of love. It can also be a very lucrative enterprise if done correctly.

Self publishing offers new avenues for a nurse author to consider. It means that you do not have to satisfy the criteria of someone else of what is marketable and what is not. However, you will be responsible to doing your own marketing if sales success is an important factor for you.

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